SIN equals UNBELIEF! – Part 2
- Posted by C. Singer
- Categories God's Plan
- Date May 9, 2024
Toe-tags are used to identify bodies after death. God tells us in HIS Word that the “Wages of SIN is death.” (Romans 6:23) For each one of us who fails to BELIEVE God, and who fails to BELIEVE HIS promises, we too are looking at a “toe-tag” which identifies us as “one who lived in UNBELIEF.”
The statement “…the Wages of SIN is death” is short, sweet, and to the point. There is nothing which can contradict this statement or which can change the meaning of this statement. God is very clear, in simple language, that “…The wages of SIN is death.”
Delving further into part two of our topic “SIN equals UNBELIEF,” we now have to consider the statement “…The wages of SIN is death,” in the context of “UNBELIEF.” So, here we find one of God’s mysteries and treasures, hidden in plain sight: “The wages of UNBELIEF is death.” Does this hit home with you at all? Such a simple, yet profound, statement. Let’s take a look at the word “wages”:
The simple definition of “wages” is “compensation.” The definition of compensation is: the act or state of compensating, as by rewarding someone for service or by making up for someone’s loss, damage, or injury by giving the injured party an appropriate benefit; the state of being compensated or rewarded in this way. However, “compensation” can also be a negative “reward” for failure to, in this case, BELIEVE God.
Looking at God’s profound statement, “…The wages of UNBELIEF is death,” it becomes clear that God will eventually reward our UNBELIEF with eternal death – not just our physical death, but we will experience a “second death” for our refusal to embrace God, HIS promises, and the salvation… the redemption… the regeneration we are freely offered by the suffering and resurrection of Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesus Christ. Many people are consciously choosing to reject God’s promises, and are consciously choosing to deny that they are “spirit beings” living inside of an “earth-suit,” a term for our physical body which will one day die and wither away, leaving ONLY our eternal spirit.
Many people are choosing to live in UNBELIEF (their trespasses against God, HIS rules and regulations, and HIS promises) and by that choice they are placing themselves squarely under God’s righteous judgment – eternal death – which is ultimate banishment from God, HIS goodness and mercy, HIS kindness and gentleness, HIS majesty and love – forever. These people are either ignorant of the FACT that they are actually “eternal” beings – “eternal” spirit beings – who will live forever… or they are so arrogant and self-serving that they are consciously choosing to face the judgment of God and live in “eternal” torment, outside of the presence of God.
Whew! Maybe it would be better to stop NOT believing and start taking God at HIS Word and BELIEVING what HE has already told us,,. maybe? God is NOT fooling around! HE may be “slow” in our estimation to hand out our ultimate “rewards” for our UNBELIEF, but it is clear that just as our spiritual life is everlasting and eternal by our FAITH and BELIEF in God, (Ephesians 2:8-9) HIS promises, and the sacrifice of Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesus Christ on our behalf, it is also very clear by the many references in the Word that eternal death is everlasting and never-ending. Three references state:
• And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. (Daniel 12:2)
• And [the wicked] will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. (Matthew 25:46)
• And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:15). In verse 10, we are told that the Lake of Fire burns “forever and ever.”
The sobering context of these three scriptures is final judgment. Many more scripture references could be added. The main point is that every person WILL face a final judgment before Almighty God, where HE will separate the righteous from the wicked – the BELIEVING from the UNBELIEVING. The BELIEVING will be ushered into eternal glory, but the UNBELIEVING will be ushered into eternal punishment and torment. The UNBELIEVING will be sentenced to eternal punishment and torment – forever. Does Revelation 21:8 have a little more significance to you now?
“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8 KJV)
“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8 NKJV)
Do you need examples of what happens when people don’t BELIEVE what God says? Let’s take a look at Adam and Eve – right from the very beginning. WHAT were they really guilty of? UNBELIEF! They made the conscious choice to NOT BELIEVE what God had told them. They made the conscious choice to NOT BELIEVE and to NOT TRUST that God had already given them everything they needed to live “forever” with HIM – in HIS presence – as spirit beings. They made the conscious choice to “listen” to a voice which was bent on only one thing – to cause them to NOT BELIEVE what God had clearly told them! There is much more to unpack in this account of Adam and Eve, but we will do that in another post.
As a result of Adam and Eve’s conscious choice to NOT BELIEVE what God had very clearly told them, weakness, disease, distress, poverty, pain, sickness, sorrow, and everything other woe under the sun entered the perfect world God had created for them, as a punishment for their sins of UNBELIEF, all of which is related in Genesis 3. It is important to note that not only did the punishment for their “sins” – their UNBELIEF – affect them personally, but the result of their UNBELIEF would ultimately manifest throughout future generations. Clearly, our UNBELIEF has dire consequences, not only for ourselves, but for others as well.
Another example of how God deals with UNBELIEF is shown in the Exodus, when only those who were 20 years old or younger entered the promised land. All of the mature adults, other than Caleb and Joshua, did NOT enter into the promised land. WHY? Because of their UNBELIEF. God’s plan was for the Children of Israel to escape the slavery of Egypt, walk about a week and a half away, and enter into the land which HE Promised them! Simple – yet so profound. BUT… all the mature adults could NOT wrap their minds around the FACT that they could absolutely TRUST their God, who had just rescued them through the miraculous Red Sea demonstration, let alone the miracle of their march out of Egypt, after having “spoiled” the Egyptians of their gold, jewels, raiment, and other valuables, which was another “miracle” in itself!
“And the Lord gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians.” (Exodus 12:36 KJV)
“The Lord gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they gave them what they asked. And so they plunered the Egyptians [of those things].” (Exodus 12:36 AMP)
The mature adults did NOT hold fast to the reality of the miracle which they had just experienced and they failed to BELIEVE that their God could, and would, protect them and subdue the people in the Promised Land. Instead, the mature adults gave in to a spirit of UNBELIEF and refused to enter into the Promised Land… so, as a result of their UNBELIEF, God had the whole group wander in the desert for 40 years, until all the mature adults died off and only the younger generation – 20 years and less – who had grown up during the desert “walk of FAITH” and who grew up “BELIEVING” totally in God, actually entered into the Promised Land. (Numbers 14:1-24).
By not allowing the mature adults to enter into the Promised Land clearly shows how God will deal with, and thinks of, UNBELIEF! Take a moment to seriously consider that the mature adults actually denied themselves their entry into the Promised Land because of their UNBELIEF. This is not just an ancient story or a myth. This is a very REAL warning from God that our UNBELIEF will deny us access to Heaven at the end of our life on Earth!
“And to whom did He swear [an oath] that they would not enter His rest, but to those who disobeyed [those who would not listen to His Word]?” (Hebrews 3:18 AMP)
“So we see that they were not able to enter [into His rest—the Promised Land] because of unbelief and an unwillingness to trust in God.” [Num 14:1-35] (Hebrews 3:19 AMP)
Another demonstration of BELIEVING in God, was Daniel, who refused to bow down to a golden statue of the king. For this refusal to obey the King’s command, Daniel was thrown into the Lion’s den. BUT… God made sure that the Lion’s did nothing to harm Daniel, because of Daniel’s Faith and BELIEF. You could say that Daniel did NOT “sin” against God, but instead BELIEVED all the promises of God, knowing full well that his God would protect him! (Daniel 6:10-17)
Don’t settle for a simple “toe-tag” as your spiritual identifier! Don’t settle for a spiritual “toe-tag” which designates that YOU are dead to God and HIS Plan. Instead, make the choice to seek HIM with YOUR whole heart, soul, spirit, and mind! There are many examples which support the fact that UNBELIEF equals Sin… that Sin equals UNBELIEF. We are just touching the surface in these last two Posts. We will continue to go deeper into the subject of UNBELIEF in the next Post in this series. For now, consider where YOU, personally, want to spend eternity – in the Presence of God forever, or outside of the Presence of God forever? Even if you try to deny it, the TRUTH is this – YOU are a spirit being who is covered in an “earth suit”, and when your “earth suit” no longer functions on this earth, YOU will STILL exist – forever – as an eternal spirit being. This is a for sure thing – that you ARE truly a “spirit being”! IF you don’t BELIEVE this, just ASK God to show you the TRUTH about YOU being a spirit being. God created YOU, HE knows every miniscule detail about YOU, HE knows just how to talk to YOU so you understand, HE loves YOU beyond anything you can comprehend, so HE most certainly can create a circumstance which will bring YOU to a full understanding about the “spirit being” YOU really are! ASK HIM to show you, and then be patient. Sometimes HE has to bring you to a certain point so that you will be able to actually “see” what HE is showing you.
IF YOU finally “see” the TRUTH about WHO you really are, and you want to KNOW deep inside yourself that you are HIS… that you WILL actually end up in Heaven with HIM… in HIS presence forever… then have a conversation with HIM… tell HIM that you want to be with HIM forever… Ask HIM to lead you and guide you from here on out… Ask HIM to save a place for you in Heaven… HE is just waiting for YOU to do this… for YOU to finally “see” just WHO HE really is… and WHO YOU really are! There is a catch, though… For you to land eternally in the presence of God Almighty, you must consider and accept what Yeshua/Jesus has done for you. HE made the choice to lay down HIS life for you, as a blood sacrifice to atone for all your UNBELIEF… for all your “sins”… Ask God to show you HIS TRUTH about the crucifixion and resurrection, and where you fit in all of this. IF you already know, and are saved, Hallelujah!! Glory, Glory, Glory!! IF you don’t already know and are not sure if you are saved or not, keep seeking with a humbled heart and mind – God WILL answer you. And, IF you need some help, just fill out the form on the Contact Us page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Just know this: God loves YOU! He has ONLY the best in mind for YOU! There are answers to ALL the circumstances of your life, which you may not understand right now, however God brought you to this website… HE has a plan, and part of that plan is for you to learn MORE about HIM. He WILL answer YOU!