“It Pleases ME!”
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…“
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Imagine you are the Creator of all things. You have set in motion, and oversee, all the solar systems, all the planets, all the heavens, the skies, clouds, everything living on earth – trees, grass, animals, humans – and in the seas – fish, whales, mollusks, jelly-fish, shrimp, seals, sea-lions, turtles, and other beings. Since you created everything, would you create things that please you? That’s what God – the One True God and Creator of ALL things – has done.
High up, thousands of feet above sea level, in the farthest crags of the majestic mountains, a little Crocus flower pokes its way through the snow to expose its beautiful bloom to the light and warmth of the Sun. As it emerges and unfolds its petals, the little Crocus reaches toward Heaven in all its glory! One little Crocus flower, standing glorious, where no human eye will ever see it.
As this vision crossed my mind, I thought, “what a waste… that little flower is never seen by anyone, and then it dies.” Pondering this scene, my mind asked God, “Since You have created everything, including that little Crocus flower, why did You put it in a place where no one will ever see it?” And… then I heard HIM… “You say no one will ever see that little flower? I will see it! I put it in that exact spot, just for Me… because it pleases Me!”
There is not much you can say in response to an answer like that, from the One Who controls your very heartbeat. It was as if I could see God smiling because that little Crocus, high in a crag of the mountain, was pleasing its Creator. Everything that God has created has a special purpose, even if that purpose is to bloom and only be seen for a short time by God, Himself.
That little Crocus flower had a special and unique purpose, that no other flower could have. Its purpose was to bloom at that set time, in that appointed place, to be seen and enjoyed by God, alone. You, too, have a very special and unique purpose. If you seek Him, and ask Him, He will show you what your purpose is in the whole scheme of Creation. Just Ask HIM!