Let’s Talk Halloween! Part-1
- Posted by C. Singer
- Categories Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare
- Date October 30, 2024
NOTE: This “Let’s Talk Halloween” article in an indepth study of the spiritual ramifications of participating in Halloween celebrations. It has been broken up into several parts due to its length. Each part is lengthy but is still only scratching the surface of deeper spiritual things, which will be taught in other courses and articles published on the “Walking In Miracles” website. You are encouraged to read through each section until you “get it”… Take time to let the Holy Spirit give you “revelation” of the Truth. The two sources quoted are the King James Version (KJV) and the Amplified Version (AMP). You are encouraged to use the version you are comfortable with. You can also read many other versions, if you like, by going to www.biblegateway.com.
Can " I " Celebrate Halloween?
Most people are completely ignorant of the Truth about Halloween. A Google search will bring up all kinds of answers to the question, “Can ” I ” celebrate Halloween?” Rabbis weigh in and say it is basically okay to celebrate Halloween. Pastors also say it is okay. And yet, a number of other Pastors and religious leaders say “…absolutely not!” So, what is the TRUTH about Halloween? Are we supposed to celebrate Halloween, or not?
The question to be answered is this: “Can a person who claims to be a “True” Child of God celebrate Halloween – wear costumes, decorate their home, hand out candy, go trick-or-treating?” The simple answer is this: Yes, a true Child of God can celebrate Halloween… because they have “Free Will” and they have the “power” to make choices. If a true Child of God makes the choice – the decision – to celebrate Halloween, that is their own choice, plain and simple. However, there are always two sides to a coin, so like with every choice we make and with every decision we make, there are consequences – some are good consequences, and some are damaging and detrimental to our very being.
With that said, let’s talk about “Halloween” and see what the best choice is for a true Child of God regarding celebrating one of the high holy days of the kingdom of darkness. Please understand that this particular “article” is fairly long, but yet is still only scratching the surface of deeper spiritual things, which will be taught in other courses and articles published on the “Walking In Miracles” website.
Several things which will be said here will most likely cause friction within many, because of what they have been taught by “religion.” However, if “You” are truly interested in learning the REAL Truth, then simply take the information you gain here before “Your” Heavenly Father – God Almighty – The One True God – Yeshua/Jesus – and ASK HIM to give you spiritual understanding, discernment, and revelation of the Truth of what is stated in this article. This is the ONLY “True” way that “YOU” – as an individual – will ever KNOW the real TRUTH. God’s revelation is the ONLY Way that “YOU,” as a spirit being encapsulated within a flesh body, will begin to fully understand God’s Truth… plain and simple.
- 1 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV) – “But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
- Romans 8:5-6 (AMP) – “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”
So... Let's Get Started!
Basic Foundational Points:
To get started, there are some foundational points that “You” must understand so that you can better understand any of God’s Truth. Some basic foundational points are listed below:
Note: the name “satan” is purposely NOT capitalized throughout this article as he does not deserve it.
- God is a Spirit and dwells in the Spirit Realm.
- The Spirit Realm is actually more “real” than the physical realm we inhabit.
- Everything that happens here, on Earth, in the “Physical realm,” first occurs in the Spirit realm and then manifests in our physical realm.
- God created everything, including the “Rules for Safe Living on Planet Earth,” which we commonly know as the Torah (or the first 5 books of the Bible); the Writings of The Prophets (or the rest of the books of the Old Testament); and the writings of the New Testament.
- God operates according to His own “Rules and Regulations; ordinances”—referred to as the “Law” by the translators of the Hebrew texts, Rabbis, Pastors, and other Religious leaders.
- God created Lucifer, the most beautiful created being in Heaven who had the authority and assignment to lead the worship of God Almighty.
- Lucifer—a “created spirit-being,” rebelled against Almighty God, stating he, Lucifer, would be like God Almighty, the Creator of ALL things… a “created” “spirit-being” defiantly stating that “he” would be like his “Creator”… WHO created ALL things. The prophet Isaiah records this of Lucifer, stating:
Isaiah 14:13-14: “…For you have said in your heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High…”
- Considering satan’s statement that he will be “…like the Most High,” this leads to the question, “…so just HOW do “you,” – Lucifer – propose that “you” – a created spirit-being – will become “like” “your” Creator???”;
- The next question that must be answered in reference to Lucifer’s bold and outlandish statement that “he” will become “like” the Most High is: “HOW do “you” propose to “create” yourself into the likeness of the Most High, when “you” are nothing more than a “created” spirit-being, who has NOT been given the “Power” to create anything!;
- satan and his demons are limited and cannot perform true miracles. They can only work by deception, manipulation and persuasion;
- And, finally, we need to ask: “IS God Almighty – the Most High and your Creator – in agreement with “your” declaration? Is HE going to give you “Power” to “create” anything, let alone the “Power” to “re-create” yourself” into HIS image and likeness?;
- As a result of Lucifer’s arrogant, rebellious statement that “he” would be “like” God…, God Almighty – the Most High – threw him out of Heaven, the place where God resides;
- In God’s mercy, and as part of His ultimate plan for His Creation, God did not completely destroy Lucifer, now known as satan, but gave him dominion over the “world SYSTEM” for a time;
- God Almighty still controls the “world” – HIS Creation – but satan has been given control over the “world system.”
- As a result of being thrown out of Heaven, satan hates God with a burning passion and fiercely hates everything that God loves, which includes us… “man-kind.”
- satan is completely and totally Jealous and Envious of “man-kind.”
- satan has only ONE agenda, and that is to kill, steal, and destroy everything which God loves… which includes his laser focus on ruining, destroying, and ultimately killing (if he can) each and every person on Earth.
- So, how does satan have the power he does on Earth? HOW does satan gain “Power” over “mankind”? His “power” comes through “man’s” ignorance of God and man’s ignorance of God’s Rules and Regulations for Safe Living on Planet Earth.
- “Mankind” GIVES satan, and his evil forces, “legal” right—according to God’s Rules and Regulations For Safe Living on Planet Earth—to engage in their lives, to torment them, ruin them, and destroy them…;
- How does satan accomplish this “power” over “mankind”? By deceit and lying!
- satan is a liar, and is considered the father of liars.
- God tells us that the “battle” between good and evil… between God and satan, resides in the “minds” of “man-kind.”
- satan is a manipulator, manipulating the “minds” of man-kind through “thought suggestions” to their minds.
- satan is a “Master of deception,” and through thought suggestions he leads mankind away from God and perverts God’s Truth so that mankind follows the dictates of satan and not God.
- “You” are an eternal “Spirit being” – created by God Almighty. “You” will live forever. “You” are currently encapsulated or encased in a “flesh-body” for a time. Only Your flesh-body will die when “Your” appointed time on this Earth comes to an end. “You” WILL live on in eternity—forever – either in the presence of God, or outside the presence of God… this is a choice that “You” get to make, all by yourself.
- “You” have been given “Free-Will” by Your Creator – God Almighty, the One True God, Yeshua/Jesus – to choose how “You” will operate and conduct “Your” life here on Earth, “You” have also been given “Free-Will” to choose where “You” will spend eternity… with HIM, or not.
- satan is very well aware of the fact that God has given “You” the ability to “choose” how “You” will live and conduct your life here on Earth… he is also very aware that “You” have been given “Free-Will” to choose whether “You” will spend eternity with God, or outside the presence of God.
- satan KNOWS that the battle for “Your” soul rests in “Your” mind, and the mind of every person on Earth.
- satan, his demons, and evil spirits all have “Your” ruin and destruction as their primary, number one agenda and ONLY goal.
- satan, his demons, and evil spirits continuously work to manipulate “You” and “Your” mind, along with every other person on Earth, into rejecting the Truth of God, ignoring God, and turning away from God.
- IF satan, his demons, and evil spirits can get “You” to NOT “BELIEVE” God’s “Rules for Safe Living on Planet Earth” found in HIS Word; if he can get “You” to NOT BELIEVE what God has already said about WHO “HE” is; if satan can get “You” to NOT BELIEVE what “Your” Creator – God Almighty – has already done for “You,” and if he can get “You” to NOT BELIEVE just how very much God LOVES “You,” then satan has “legal” right to continue to harass, torment, ruin, and destroy “You.”
- satan obtains “legal right” to oppress “You” and work against “You” as a result of “Your” UNBELIEF,
- To prevent satan and his evil forces from obtaining “legal” right to operate in “Your” life, “You” must live “Your” life according to God’s Rules and Regulations for Safe Living on Planet Earth, “You” MUST “BELIEVE” what HE has already said in HIS Word.
- IF satan and his evil forces can get “You” to NOT “BELIEVE God’s “Rules for Safe Living on Planet Earth” found in HIS Word. then “You” are NOT operating in accordance with God’s Will, or in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for Safe Living on Planet Earth, so “You” are operating OUTSIDE of the PROTECTIONS of God, and are therefore “Fair Game” for satan and his minions!;
- One of satan’s greatest manipulations of a person’s mind is to convince them – through thought suggestions – that their “success” … their wonderful family, their successful career, their abundant bank account, their beautiful home, their beautiful car, their great life… is a blessing from the One True God… when in fact, satan himself has “blessed” them with all the trappings of the world SYSTEM, so that they do NOT have the first clue of WHO “God” – the One True God – really is… they are exactly where satan wants them to be, thinking they are “just fine”…thinking they are blessed. They even attend “church,” but they have NEVER taken the time to develop a deeply intimate, individual, personal relationship with God Almighty. Yeshua/Jesus Himself states:
Matthew 7:21-23: “…On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name? And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” Notice Yeshua/Jesus states they are “workers of lawlessness,” meaning that on the outside these people may have “looked” and “acted” like they had a deep relationship with the Lord, but they never took the time to get to really, intimately KNOW the person of God on the inside…inside their heart.
- As the ultimate “Narcissist,” satan wants to be worshiped;
- satan is NOT picky about “how” he obtains worship;
- satan is NOT picky about “how” he obtains worship;
- IF the world, or a group of people, or even “You” are making statements about his works whether negative or positive, satan considers that “worship” because “you” are mentioning “him” and lifting him up.;
- ANY form of acknowledgment, whether positive or negative… satan considers that worship of himself;
- satan, who is ultimate “chaos,” totally messed up God’s creation during the first manifestation of God’s creation here on Earth, ultimately forcing the first manifestation into complete “chaos” and “darkness” – destroying any “light” of God… (Genesis 1:1);
- God stepped in and did a “do over,” cleaned up satan’s mess, and put things back in order on Earth… which is the second manifestation of God’s creation, which we are living in today (Genesis 1:2 and beyond);
- The third and final manifestation of God’s creation is found hidden in God’s Word, in God’s feast known as the Day of Atonement, or God’s Feast of Yom Kippur;
- After the Great Flood, and the construction of Babylon, satan led the people completely away from a relationship with the One True God, into belief of many god worship;
- As a result of the thought suggestions of satan and his cohorts, the people of Babylon began constructing their Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9);
- The people of Babylon claimed they were building the Tower of Babel to “make a name for themselves” by constructing a city and tower reaching to the heavens, so they would not be scattered across the earth; essentially, they wanted to create a monument to their own greatness and unity… sounds a lot like satan’s self-centered claim that he would be “like the Most High”;
- At this point, God stepped in, confused the languages and the people ended up migrating all over the world, taking with them two things: 1) the knowledge of their culture, and 2) the knowledge of their “religion” which was based in sun-god worship;
- the “religion” of every “people group” on earth, except the Hebrew people group, finds its roots in some form of “sun-god” worship which was brought “out of Babylon”, and which is ultimately worship of satan and his minions;
- from that point on, satan and his minions have focused on controlling the minds of “man kind” and causing “man kind” to accept all manner and forms of “religion” which leads them away from a deep, personal, intimate, one-on-one, individual, committed relationship with their Creator – the One True God – God Almighty;
- Through the centuries, satan has bombarded “man kind” with thought suggestions by which they have ultimately created thousands of different “religions,” which when you boil each of them down to their very basic tenants, all stem from a form of “sun god” worship which they brought from Babylon. Think about this: from the beginning of the scriptures in Genesis, all the way through to the end of Revelation, God continually is saying, “Come out of Babylon!” Why does God continue to say “Come out of Babylon” even after the people migrated out of Babylon thousands of years ago? (Isaiah 48:20; Jeremiah 50:8; Jeremiah 51:6; Jeremiah 51:45; Zechariah 2:6–7; 2 Corinthians 6:17; Revelation 18:4);
- One of the “religions” which satan and his minions caused “man-kind” to engage in comes from the people group known as the Celts;
- The Celts actually are considered to be an off-shoot of the Hebrew culture;
- The Celts developed a “religion” steeped in the worship of many “gods” – which is ultimately worship of satan and his minions – and through the traditions, rituals, and dogmas engaged in by the Celts, Halloween was created to celebrate the “dead”;
- God Almighty – The One True God – is the God of LIFE;
- God Almighty is not in the business of promoting a celebration of the kingdom of darkness, a celebration which satan has convinced people to celebrate, a celebration of the dead, a celebration of fleshly indulgence, and a celebration steeped in rebellion against HIS “Rules for Safe Living on Planet Earth”;
- the “religion” of every “people group” on earth, except the Hebrew people group, finds its roots in some form of “sun-god” worship which was brought “out of Babylon”, and which is ultimately worship of satan and his minions;
Now, hopefully, “You” are starting to “see” some TRUTH… and “You” are beginning to ask just HOW this all relates to celebrating “Halloween”? Very simply… just as satan was there at the beginning of this “second” manifestation of God’s creation to cause Adam and Eve to NOT BELIEVE what God had already instructed them, he has been working throughout time to develop all kinds of “distractions” which cause “man-kind” to turn away from BELIEVING God and to actually participate in worshiping “satan,” knowingly or not. Remember, satan doesn’t care “what” type of worship he “gets” from us… if we are lifting up acts of murder, devastation, and chaos, which he has caused through “thought suggestions” in the minds of man-kind, he is happy. We don’t have to be involved in “occult” rituals to worship satan… he considers the rehearsing of the days events on the nightly news as “worship.” Seldom do we see broadcasts of “good” things, “honorable” things, “uplifting” things… most often we see one report after another focused on ruin and devastation of “man kind” in some form or another. satan’s goal is to destroy everything that God “loves,” so satan is elated with all the negative reports being broadcast everywhere about the destruction of “us” in some form or another.
Think about this… the nightly news is actually reporting on the “results” of man-kind carrying out “thought suggestions” received from satan and his cohorts! Reporting on murders, robberies, homelessness, drug overdoses, terrible car crashes, actions of wars, lifting up or exposing corruption, sex trafficking, and anything else that is harming “us”, is actually reporting on the “results” of satan’s “thought suggestions.” These reports are a form of “worshiping” satan, because he and his demons and evil spirits have dominion over the world SYSTEM. By continually whispering “thought suggestions” into our minds, they are responsible for what happens when man-kind acts in accordance with these “thought suggestions.” People have the ability to control their minds, but because a majority of people do not KNOW and live by God’s Rules for Safe Living they do not recognize when satan, his demons, and his evil spirits are controlling their minds. satan is not picky… if he can get the people to talk about and focus on how man-kind has carried out “his” evil acts, then “he” considers those broadcasts “worship” – he is totally narcissistic, totally self-centered, and totally self-focused.
Consider Job, and all that he suffered. Satan challenged God saying, “Does Job fear God for no reason? If you were to take away everything he has, he would surely curse you to your face.” (Job 1:6-12). Notice that Satan focuses on “material things” when he states “…take away everything he has…“God knew Job, and allowed Satan to attack Job, to prove a point.
Children of God suffer the ravages of the world SYSTEM, more often than not, because they are not invoking the Truths found in God’s Word, or sometimes they are being used by God to prove a “point” much like when God used Job to prove a point.
Each of the Basic Foundational Points listed above has whole foundation of information beneath it, which simply can not be included in this particular article. These points have been listed to give you a summary, from which to eventually dig deeper to uncover more and more of God’s Truth. Check out Part 2 to learn more!
Tag:God's Plan, Halloween, Jesus, Messiah, sin, Spirit realm, Spiritual Warfare, Yeshua