“The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts…. These are the feasts of the LORD, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times”
(Leviticus 23:2–4).
God’s Feasts Are Listed Below
The following is a very brief overview of the subject of “God’s Feasts.”
Did you know that God – the ONE TRUE GOD…Almighty God – loves to “party” with us… each of HIS created beings? Did you know that God – the ONE TRUE GOD – has set aside times during the weeks and months of the year to “party” with us? Did you know that YOU are commanded to celebrate HIS “Feasts” forever? The majority of people living on planet earth FAIL to adhere to this commandment, and are even quite surprised to learn that they are actually required by God, their Creator, to literally “party” with HIM and celebrate HIS Holy Days at the times HE has appointed.
The Feasts of the Lord are actually God’s “Rolex” or time-clock in the sky! God created the Sun, Moon, and Stars so that we have a way to tell time, according to God’s time. (Genesis 1:14-16) The Feasts of The Lord happen according to God’s reckoning of time, each year, based upon the appearance and siting of the New Moon. All of creation functions according to God’s timing – NOT the artificial timing of man! So, if YOU are NOT celebrating God’s Feasts, then YOU really don’t KNOW what time it is!
Why does God use the Sun, Moon, and Stars to “tell-time”? God created the Sun, Moon, and Stars and set them in perpetual motion so that we can live in harmony with HIS plan, we can live according to HIS timing of things, and so that we have a way to know when foretold events will happen – so that “we” can tell time according to God’s timing! Many people THINK they KNOW what time it is. Many “Believers” are simply following religious “tradition” waiting for what they call the “Rapture” to happen so that they “…can get out of here.” However, since they do NOT celebrate HIS “Feasts” they are actually living in disobedience to God’s plan, decrees, rules and commands, and they ignorantly do not know what time it is!
God’s Festivals, or Holy Days, are specific days of the year which HE commands us to keep, forever. God has ordained, decreed, and commanded that HIS Holy Days be kept… plain and simple! And, HE has told us we are to consider these designated “Holy Days” as His statutes, rules, and ordinances which we are to live by, according to HIS reckoning of time. He has plainly stated how we are to understand HIS reckoning of time, as we carefully follow HIS directions stated in HIS Word… which is our manual for “Safe Living On Planet Earth.” There are seven Feasts listed in order in Leviticus 23. These days are often wrongly referred to as, “Jewish Feasts,” but God says they are “HIS Feasts”:
“The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts…. These are the feasts of the LORD, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times” (Leviticus 23:2–4).
God is very clear to make sure we fully understand that we are to celebrate “HIS Feasts” forever, according to the times HE has appointed and instructed in HIS Word. (Exodus 12) Religious “tradition” has caused those who call themselves “Christians” to simply ignore God’s command to celebrate HIS “Feasts” FOREVER, more often substituting pagan celebrations in place of “God’s Feasts.”
Those who follow the teaching of a mere “man” – Mohammed – God’s created being – have knowledge of the ancient times up to the time of Abraham, which is contained in the “Torah” which is also the first five books of the Bible. They know the miracle of the Exodus from Egypt and celebrate that miracle. However, they have made the choice to follow the teaching of a mere “man” – a “created being” who was not “infilled” with the Spirit of God – but who was simply deceived by an evil spirit masquerading as an “angel of light.” As a result, these people have given up God’s command for ALL HIS people to celebrate “HIS Feasts,” forever. In ignorance of the FACT that the ONE TRUE GOD – the ultimate spirit being – walked on Earth, among the people encapsulated in the flesh body of a man. They follow the teaching of a “man” who was simply a “man”… a created being… who was NOT infilled with the Spirit of God… NOT infilled with the Spirit of THE ONE TRUE GOD… so they are spiritually blind and worship an entity they call Allah in ignorance of the real ONE TRUE GOD. As with every person on earth… God Almighty, Himself, says, “…Just SEEK ME with all your heart, and THEN I “will” hear you!… and, “I” WILL show you the real TRUTH! God is just waiting for each person on earth – each of HIS created beings – to SEEK “Him”! HE wants a “One-On-One” relationship with EACH and EVERY PERSON on Earth…HE gives each of us Free Will to make the choice. HE “reads” the hearts of man… This is HOW “HE” knows which of HIS created beings actually DESIRES a “One-On-One” relationship with HIM!
God’s “Feasts” are celebrations of the past – what has already happened on planet Earth – and shadow pictures of what is to come – what WILL happen on planet Earth. We are called to celebrate HIS Feasts each year, at HIS appointed times, to continually solidify in our own hearts and minds that we remember and commemorate what HE has already done in the past, and to understand and look forward to what HE is doing now, and what HE is going to do in the future. If you do not understand the depth of the meanings for each of God’s Feasts, then you are NOT able to understand God’s reasons for commanding us to celebrate HIS Feasts!
You are encouraged to take the time to explore HIS Feasts so that you can get in step with THE ONE TRUE GOD’S timing and understand the profound meaning for each of these Festivals, how they affect “YOU”, and how they show what is coming in the future!
Dates for the Feasts of The Lord listed below are from the:
Astronomically and Agriculturally Conrrected Biblical Calendar
This calendar has been created using data from NASA and pinpoint-accurate biblical history, and is considered to be the most accurate according to the LORD’s original reckoning of time.
for more information see: aroodawakening.tv/biblical-hebrew-calendar/
The Spring Feasts:
Sundown March 14 to Sundown March 15, 2025
Non-commanded Biblical festival
A celebration of Almighty God’s provision in times of great persecution. A family focused celebration “Feast” where the amazing story of the faith of Ester is read.
Pesach (Passover)
April 13, 2025
… the day Messiah was crucified on the afternoon of Aviv 14.
A commanded Biblical festival,
A celebration of the deliverance and redemption of mankind by Almighty God. The Exodus from Egypt is the first manifestation of God’s redemption of HIS people, the crucifixion and resurrection of Yeshua/Jesus is the second manifestation of God’s redemption of the individual, and the actual Day of Atonement will be the third and final manifestation of God’s redemption of the nations who BELIEVE HIM.
Unleavened Bread - 1st Day (Chag HaMatzot)
Sundown April 13 to Sundown April 14, 2025
A “High Sabbath” (Miqra Qodesh) commanded Biblical festival,
The Feast of Unleavened Bread, Chag HaMatzot, immediately follows the day of Passover, lasts seven days, and commemorates the swift departure of the Children of Israel from Egypt.
First Fruits
(Yom HaNafat HaOmer)
Sundown April 19 to Sundown April 20, 2025
A commanded Biblical festival,
A celebration of when Yeshua presented the “First Fruits” to Almighty God. A day of Barley sheaf wave offering.
Sundown April 19 to Sundown April 20, 2025
Unleavened Bread - 7th Day (Chag HaMatzot)
A “High Sabbath” (Miqra Qodesh) commanded Biblical festival,
The Feast of Unleavened Bread, Chag HaMatzot, immediately follows the day of Passover, lasts seven days, and commemorates the swift departure of the Children of Israel from Egypt.
Shavuot - Pentecost or Feast of Weeks
Sundown June 7 to Sundown
June 8, 2025
A “High Sabbath” (Miqra Qodesh) commanded Biblical festival,
God Almighty delivered the 10 commandments to Moses through fire and thunder on Mt. Sinai! On the very same day, 1,500 years later, HE gave the Holy Spirit, once again by fire, to Yeshua’s disciples in the upper room in Jerusalem! This Feast celebrates the oneness of the Torah (Word of God; first 5 books of the Bible) and His Spirit!
The Fall Feasts:
Yom Teruah - Day of Trumpets
Sundown October 4 to Sundown October 5, 2024
A “High Sabbath” (Miqra Qodesh) commanded Biblical festival,
This celebration begins the Hebrew New Year, and marks the beginning of the “Days of Awe.” The blowing of the Shofar (ram’s horn) calls people to repentance. This “Feast” is celebrated with lots of “sweets”, such as apples with honey, to signal a “Sweet New Year.”
Yom Kippur - Day of Atonements
Sundown October 13 to Sundown October 14, 2024
A “High Sabbath” (Miqra Qodesh) commanded Biblical festival,
The holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur is also known as the Day of Atonement. It is a day for repentance, making atonement, and seeking forgiveness. This is a day of fasting and reflecting on the fact that there is nothing more important than our relationship with God Almighty.
Sukkot - 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles
Sundown October 18 to Sundown October 19, 2024
A “High Sabbath” (Miqra Qodesh) commanded Biblical festival,
We are commanded to build a sukkah – a small hut, “booth” or “tabernacle” – and live in it for seven days, during the Feast of Tabernacles. (Leviticus 23:42). This celebration commemorates the time the Children of Israel spent in the wilderness — in huts of their own — after being freed from slavery in Egypt.
Sh'mini Atzeret - the Eighth Day, the Last Great Day
Sundown October 25 to Sundown October 26, 2024
A “High Sabbath” (Miqra Qodesh) commanded Biblical festival,
A day of joy, concluding reading of the Torah and beginning again. Celebration of joy, with dancing, food, and fun.