God’s Miracle Is Right On Time!
"What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us?"
Romans 8:31
I’m sure you’ve heard testimonies about courage and faith, but have you ever heard a tale as gripping as Daniel in the lions den? Picture this… Ancient Babylon… a man named Daniel, who was well known for his unwavering integrity and deep faith. As a very trusted advisor to king Darius, Daniel was envied by other court officials… jealous rivals who concocted a devious plan to get rid of Daniel!
These self-appointed “master-minds” tricked the king into signing a decree stating for 30 days, no one could pray to any god or man, except to King Darius. But Daniel continued to pray three times a day to God Almighty, right in front of his open window. In the face of this “governmental” decree, which carried a death penalty for violating it, Daniel faithfully worshiped God Almighty, in open, public violation of the King’s decree.
The jealous rivals gleefully caught Daniel in the act, reported it to the King, and pressured the King to throw Daniel into the den of ravenous lions.
Imagine the scene… a dark pit… the loud, echoing roars of very hungry lions… and Daniel standing calm and collected… his faith unwavering. Daniel BELIEVED His God – the One True God – would rescue him from the jaws of these lions, or would simply take him home to heaven. Daniel had NO Fear… and BELIEVED he would be saved.
God is in the business of “Miracles”! God LOVES to show HIS Miracle working Power! So, Miraculously, when the sun rose the next morning, Daniel was found totally unharmed… Not a scratch on him!
Daniel’s Faith had activated the hand of Almighty God and Daniel was saved from the lions. The PLAN of the jealous rivals was FOILED by God, Himself!
King Darius, astounded by Daniel’s miraculous survival, decreed that everyone in the kingdom was to reverence Daniel’s God… The One True God – who delivers and rescues with Miraculous and Mighty Power…
So, what’s the take away from this thrilling Biblical account?
In the face of life’s roaring challenges, BELIEF in the One True God can indeed move mountains…. BELIEVING that God truly LOVES you and wants only the best for you, can activate the Miracle working Power of God and literally close the jaws of lions.
BELIEF… that is what God is looking for… Our Faith in Him is OUR demonstration that we BELIEVE Him, no matter WHAT the circumstances look like! In the face of roaring, hungry lions, Daniel refused to look at or “see” the circumstance before him. Instead, as the lions were looking at Daniel as their next meal, Daniel made the conscious choice to “see” the Power of the God he ultimately served. Daniel did NOT allow FEAR to torment him, but instead looked to his God to change the situation, redeem him, and ultimately restore him to his position before King Darius.
The Jealous Rivals, on the other hand, were ultimately exposed for their dasterdly and malicious plan. King Darius commanded that they, their wives, and their children all be thrown into the lions den. Before they reached the bottom of the den the lions overpowered them, broke all their bones in pieces and devoured them. These jealous rivals received the punishment which they had designed for Daniel, plus more. They and their families were thrown into the Lion’s den and devoured.
Daniel’s story is the testimony of God’s Faithful and Miraculous Power on behalf of Daniel, and the ultimate exposure and consequence exacted upon those who interfere with God’s Plan, which in this case was for Daniel to be second in command of the kingdom as a trusted advisor to King Darius.
To read the full account of Daniel’s experience with the jealous rivals, the lions den, and the Miracle of God, read Chapter 6 of the Book of Daniel.