The Bull and The Birds – Part 1
“…Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise Him in the firmament of His power. Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise Him with the timbrel and dance: praise Him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise Him upon the loud cymbals: praise Him upon the high sounding cymbals…
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.”
Psalm 150:1-6 KJV
Back in the early 1990’s I was invited to attend what might be termed a ‘semi-private’ concert at a local cattle ranch. It was a late Saturday afternoon – early evening affair, complete with a Bar-B-Que meal. When I got there, we were ushered to outdoor seating in the expansive area around the ranch Headquarters. I took a seat at the outside edge of the seating, which was about 15 feet from a pasture fence. Trees dotted the pasture. Cattle grazed on the green grass. It was very peaceful. The afternoon sun was slowly setting over the mountains to the west. The sky was ablaze with colors and gold washed and streaked the clouds. All I could think was God is such a Master Artist… no human being could ever match the beauty HE was creating moment by moment in the sky above.
The host strode onto the stage which had been set up at the front of the seating. He warmly welcomed all of us attendees. He introduced the music group who were readying to perform. Then… the music started. The group was definitely anointed by God… it was very apparent in their songs and melodies. Within a few moments, the Spirit of God began to cover the entire gathering. People rose from their chairs, raised their hands, and began to worship Almighty God, Yeshua, the Creator of all that was happening.
After a couple of songs, a motion to my right caught my peripheral vision. As I looked over, a huge black Angus Bull was standing 15 feet away from me. The only barrier between this huge, monster Bull were a few strands of fence wire. This Bull could have very easily just pushed his massive body against the fence and broken through the strands of wire or simply pushed the T-posts down and walked out! As I looked, and the music played, this Bull began to slowly lower his head with his nose a few inches from the ground – he was bowing! As he held this position for a few minutes, a beautiful Angus Cow and her baby Calf quietly walked up to the fence and began doing the same thing. Here was the massive Bull, the beautiful Cow, and her little Calf… ALL with their heads lowered to a few inches above the ground. And, believe it or not, they each had their eyes closed! Then I heard HIM quietly say, “They are worshiping ME.” As the performers continued singing praises and the music played on, more of the small herd of cattle began to come to the fence. Each in turn began this same head lowering with their eyes closed. I had never really thought about the animals actually worshiping God, before. But, here was a demonstration, in living color, only a few feet away from me, that God’s animals really DO worship HIM.
As the performance came to an end, the cattle lifted their heads and drifted away from the fence and began grazing again. What a sight to behold! What a surprise experience. You just never know what God is going to do to prove HE is always there.
Another time when God showed me how his animals worship HIM, was early one morning, just before the sun rose. The sun was just barely illuminating the atmosphere in the twilight of dawn, when suddenly I heard the birds. All of a sudden there were chirps, and singing, and squalls, and many other voices of birds in the trees lining the paddock outside. The beautiful melodies filled the morning air. As I was listening, God spoke to me and said, “They are worshiping ME.” As I listened, God began to explain how ALL of HIS Creation worships HIM in their own unique way. HIS birds are the “worship leaders” of the morning, as they start the day with their songs. Roosters crow! Ducks quack! Canaries sing! Parakeets chirp! and all other of the bird sounds make up the morning “worship” of God Almighty around the world. Sadly, most people do not “hear” this morning worship… because they are listening to a morning radio, or they can’t hear the birds because they live in the city, or because they have simply tuned the birds out of their sensory perception. This “morning worship” begins at the twilight of dawn, and as the Earth rotates and the new dawn continues around the world, there is continuous “worship” of God, on a continuing basis, 24/7 around the whole world!
Some of the smallest, most delicate, and least of HIS creation carry out their role every morning and gloriously “sing” out their songs to their Lord and Creator. This continuous “morning worship” is a Miracle of God, which continues without fail. You are encouraged to find a way to experience the morning “worship of the birds,” so that you can experience for yourself this profound Miracle of God… which unassumingly continues all around the world every morning, without the assistance, control, or interference of “man.”
The birds create a symphony of sounds and willingly worship the One True God every morning. Even when storms or severe cold cover the Earth in some areas, there is still a “morning worship” being carried out in another part of the world. Because of this, there is NEVER a moment on Earth in which God – the One True God – is not being worshiped! Some place in the world, the birds are singing out their “morning worship” to God, every minute of the day!
Stay tuned… I have a surprise for you in Part 2… “The Bull, The Birds, The Stars and The Whales!”