“...He delivers and recues, and He works signs and wonders in Heaven and in Earth, Who has delivered Daniel from the Power of the Lions."
Daniel 6:27
"“...the Righteous cry, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of ALL their troubles." Psalm 34:17"
Psalm 34:17
“...and call upon ME in the day of trouble: I WILL deliver you, and you shall Glorify ME!"
Psalm 50:15
Our Heavenly Father tells us over and over and over in His Word how HE “will” Deliver us from ALL evil! The story of Daniel being cast into the Lion’s den is just one of the great “Miracles” of Deliverance that is recorded as a Testament of just HOW the Lord works for us in times of trouble. HE tells us repeatedly, “Call upon ME…” HE tells us repeatedly, “I WILL deliver you!” HE tells us that HE hears our crys. HE tells us HE works signs and wonders in Heaven and Earth, for us!
Yet… how many people that claim to be HIS actually BELIEVE all this? The evidence all around us clearly shows that very, very few people who “claim” to be HIS… who call themselves “Christians,” or “Jews”… actually BELIEVE God is in the business of working “Miracles”? How many of these people who “claim” to BELIEVE in the One True God, the Creator of ALL things, God Almighty…actually BELIEVE that HE will do “Miracles” in their lives?
Churches and synagogues are full of people who are suffering from cancer, diabetes, or some other form of infirmity. People come to church or synagogue week after week never experiencing a healing or deliverance. Pastors, Preachers, Priests, and even Rabbis have FAILED to appropriate what our Father in Heaven has already given us – the Power and Authority to heal and cast out demons! WHY?
Matthew, a Hebrew, who was well educated, probably spoke several languages, and as a tax-collector had to possess a keen sense of detail, testifies, “And when He had called unto Him His twelve disciples, He gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” Matthew 10:1
Luke, a Hebrew, testifies from a well educated physicians perspective, “Then He called His twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.” Luke 9:1
Mark, another Hebrew, well versed in languages and interpreter for the great Hebrew, Peter, testifies, “…And He ordained twelve, that they should be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils…”
And, then we have John, a Hebrew, who quotes Yeshua/Jesus as saying, “…Truly, truly, I say to you, he that believes on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father.”
This last statement pretty much clinches the deal, here! “… the person who BELIEVES in Yeshua/Jesus… that person SHALL do what Yeshua/Jesus did, and MUCH MORE.! Yeshua/Jesus was very clear … He did NOT qualify anything other than “whoever BELIEVES” will DO what HE did… end of statement!
So, WHY is the church, or synagogue, so “sick”?? WHY is the church, or synagogue, so full of “disease”?? WHY are so many people – God’s created beings – in the church and synagogues suffering? WHY are so many people – God’s created beings – in the church and synagogues NOT doing WHAT Yeshua/Jesus did, and MUCH MORE?
It appears that the enemy (satan, the devil) infiltrated the church and synagogues long ago and got the members of various congregations to “believe” his evil, twisted lies… telling the people that the “healing and casting out of demons was for the ancient times.” WHY are the people who “claim” to be Children of Almighty God so AFRAID of the devil? WHY do they say that the “devil” doesn’t exist? WHY do they run and hide if someone tries to give them information to show them exactly what Power and Authority they already have over the devil? Yeshua/Jesus gave His life to overcome ALL the power of the enemy – HE overcame the Power of Death, and His sacrifice of His own life was the last and ultimate sacrifice acceptable to our Creator! Nothing more needs to be done, except that “we” accept His sacrifice, and give ALL glory to Him!
This kind of mass “denial” of the “Gift” that has been given to ALL of us by Yeshua’s/Jesus’ sacrifice is a huge slap in the face for Yeshua/Jesus, and Almighty God, Himself! Yeshua/Jesus laid down HIS life so that ALL those who BELIEVE in HIS Power could exercise that same Power and Authority over satan and his minons in their own lives, but they shun this information and anyone who tries to tell them the TRUTH!
The spirit of “Religion” is the real culprit here, and has permeated the minds of “church-goers,” “synagogue” attendees, Pastors, Preachers, Priests, and Rabbis, with his lies through thought suggestions. For the most part, these people, loved by God Himself, REFUSE to enter into the spiritual battle and REFUSE to use the Power and Authority they already possess “inside” of them… in the form of the Holy Spirit!
Walking In Miracles is designed to teach those who have an ear to hear just WHO they are, the Power and Authority they already possess, and How to engage in Deliverance… not just a form of “exorcisim” which is short lived and allows the enemy to enter back in… but real TRUE Deliverance which gives the person freedom from the kingdom of darkness. Most people don’t realize it, but the battle is, for the most part, in the mind!
If you feel you need Deliverance, fill out the form below. Include “Deliverance” in the Subject Title, then tell us your story – briefly. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
And, until we get back to you, remember what the Lord says, “DO NOT FEAR!” We have already overcome the enemy and his cohorts! 1 John 4:4. You just have to learn how to use the weapons of the warfare to secure your Deliverance with finality!