SIN equals UNBELIEF! – Part 1
- Posted by C. Singer
- Categories God's Plan
- Date April 27, 2024
People everywhere talk about “sin.” They say, “if you live in sin you will go to hell!” They say, “God hates sin!” They say, “fornication, adultery, murder, stealing, lying, drunkenness, doing drugs, shacking-up (living together without benefit of marriage),” and a myriad of other things are “sin,” but they never seem to get to the Root of just WHAT is “Sin.” They describe the ACTIONS of Sin… and use those descriptions in attempts to SHAME others into “…giving their life to Christ,” but they NEVER seem to have a simple, straight-forward definition of “SIN.”
So, just WHAT is “SIN”? Sin equals UNBELIEF, plain and simple. “SIN” is UNBELIEF in WHAT the One True God – Almighty God – the Creator of EVERYTHING including YOU – has clearly and simply stated in HIS Word… which is HIS Love Letter to mankind and HIS manual of Instructions For Safe Living On Planet Earth. So, just WHAT has the One True God – Almighty God – the Creator of EVERYTHING, actually said that MOST people – INCLUDING “CHRISTIANS” – are NOT BELIEVING?
To fully and completely answer this question goes beyond the scope of this short Blog post. A learning course has been created to help you delve into just exactly WHAT God has said, so You WILL know the TRUTH, once and for all. (“You SHALL know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will MAKE you FREE!” John 8:32) The following information is included in this Blog Post to give you a starting point – a place to begin thinking about how SIN equals UNBELIEF, and whether You are actually living in UNBELIEF. You are encouraged to do your own investigation of just WHAT God has said in HIS WORD to back up the notion that SIN is nothing more than UNBELIEF.
God has hidden treasures and mysteries in HIS Word. HE has NOT just blatantly made statements so that the UNBELIEVERS will “think” they KNOW the TRUTH about God – HIS Word and Truths are spiritually discerned – not simply read and understood from a human mind-set or human point of view.
“But the natural [unbelieving] man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart and mind the things [the gifts, teachings and revelations] of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness [absurd and illogical; meaningless nonsense] to him; and he is incapable of understanding them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them], because they are spiritually discerned, and estimated, and appreciated, [and he is unqualified to judge spiritual matters]. (1 Corinthians 2:14 AMP & AMPC)
“Now we have not received the spirit [that belongs to] the world, but the [Holy] Spirit Who is from God, [given to us] that we might realize and comprehend and appreciate the gifts [of divine favor and blessing so freely and lavishly] bestowed on us by God. And we are setting these truths forth in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the [Holy] Spirit, combining and interpreting spiritual truths with spiritual language [to those who possess the Holy Spirit]. (1 Corinthians 2:12-13). (AMPC)
To find, and then truly understand, God’s treasures and mysteries takes desire and commitment on Your part. IF you will make the decision to seek out God’s treasures and mysteries, and make the commitment to continue seeking and searching, You WILL find the answers… the idea being that as you seek and search, You will be changed, transformed, and become more and more mature in your understanding of God’s Kingdom, WHO HE actually IS, and WHAT HE has promised!
For starters, more often than not, when people are trying to express the TRUTH of God’s most precious gift which HE has given to ALL of mankind, they start off by saying, “God gave HIS only begotten son, so that You can have eternal life.” (John 3:16) While this is most certainly TRUE, this statement is often repugnant to people who have not developed a conscious, personal, relationship with God, and thus leads people WHO don’t really KNOW the Lord into more UNBELIEF. So, where do we find a beginning to answering the question, “WHAT is really SIN?”
Let’s take a look at Revelation 21:8, which says, “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (KJV)
Notice that the terms “fearful” and “unbelieving” head up the list of things which will lead people into an eternal life of living in hell… in the absence of the presence of God. According to this statement, IF you are “fearful” and IF you are NOT “believing” what God has stated in HIS Rules For Safe Living On Planet Earth, then YOU are going to end up living an eternal life in Hell – the place prepared for satan, his demons, and evil minions…and without the Presence of God.
Being “Fearful” and “Unbelieving” are based in our own personal choices which we make based upon our own assessments of a situation. Listed first and second at the head of the list, Fearful and Unbelieving are considered by God to be MORE vile than murder, prostitution and fornication, practicing witchcraft and sorcery, worshiping false gods, and lying, all of which are detestable conduct in God’s eyes, and are based in our giving place to the thought suggestions of the enemy and his evil minions.
So, what is being “fearful” and “unbelieving” all about? Well, let’s say for example, you have an electric bill that must be paid or the power will be shut off. You have no money. You just lost your job. You have no one who can help you. You fret and stew and worry and become completely anxious, believing in your mind and heart that there is NO WAY to pay your bill. THAT conduct is You (1) giving place to FEAR, and (2) You demonstrating UNBELIEF, because God has plainly and succinctly said, “I do NOT give you a spirit of FEAR, but of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind.” (2 Timothy, 1:7). God has also plainly and succinctly said, “I WILL supply ALL Your Need!” (Philippians 4:13). HE has promised us that HE will take care of us, no matter what.
God is all about “us” BELIEVING “HIM”… believing what HE has told us through HIS Word. Our whole existence is based upon our “CHOICE” to BELIEVE Him… our choice to believe what HE has already said, or NOT. When we are unable to see any way out of our situation, and our eyes can NOT see the answer to our problem, HE waits to see if we make the choice to BELIEVE “HIM” no matter what… or NOT.
Now, picture this: You are in a Courtroom, and (1) God is sitting behind a Judges bench, (2) satan is at the prosecutors table, and (3) You are at the defendants table. Your enemy, satan, has brought charges against you and accused you of UNBELIEF – one of the two top crimes against God listed in Revelation 21:8 which will put you in eternal Hell. Your enemy, satan, is basing his claims of your UNBELIEF – which is a clear violation of God’s Kingdom rules and regulations – on the fact that YOU are NOT BELIEVING that God “…Will supply ALL Your Need,” and Will pay your electric bill. In this court of Heaven, because Your actions, speech, and conduct have PROVEN You are NOT BELIEVING God’s Truth – that HE WILL supply ALL Your Need – satan claims that he, and his minions, now have LEGAL right to hinder you, deny you, and cause You to NOT receive ANYTHING to pay the electric bill. Because YOU are in violation of God’s instructions – HIS “law” – and HIS rules and regulations… satan has the LEGAL right to make sure YOU do NOT receive ANY help from God. And, by Your UNBELIEF, You have successfully tied God’s hands and HE is NOT able to help You…
God is bound by HIS own “rules,” “instructions,” “regulations,” or “law.” Your UNBELIEF has violated God’s rules and regulations making it impossible for God to fulfill HIS promise found in Philippians 4:19.
Don’t BELIEVE this is true? See how easy it is to NOT BELIEVE what God has stated over and over in His Word? Until YOU repent – turn away from your NOT BELIEVING what God has already said and which HE has already promised HE will actually do – God can not work for you… this is just one of the “rules” HE set up eons ago. God, To “receive” you MUST “Believe.” (Mark 11:24) God Almighty is bound to abide by HIS own “law” or “rules”, just as the enemy of Your soul, satan, is bound by God’s “law” or “rules”, and just as You, a created being, are bound by God’s “law” or “rules.” IF God were to violate HIS “law” or “rules for safe living on planet earth,” and help You while You are living in blatant UNBELIEF, HE would NOT be God. God is bound, by HIS own “law” or “rules” to obey HIS own “law” or “rules.” Your UNBELIEF literally STOPS God from helping You… Your UNBELIEF literally STOPS God from allowing a “miracle” to happen in Your life.
As a side-bar, God is sovereign and can perform “miracles” at any time, any place, and in any circumstance. He performs “instant” miracles, most often in times of great distress or need, and HE also performs “progressive” miracles which are fulfilled over time, and usually with our participation.
One simple test, regarding God’s Rules For Safe Living On Planet Earth, is to consider Gravity. The “law” of Gravity says that IF you jump off a ten story building, you will crash into the ground below. There is NOTHING hard to understand about this “law” or “rule” which God set up at His original creation. The “rule” of gravity NEVER fails! God has NEVER changed the “law” or “rule” of Gravity, HE has NEVER amended this “law” or “rule” and HE has NEVER rescinded the “law” or “rule” of Gravity… thus, God’s immutable – unchangeable – “law” or “rule” concerning Gravity stands the test of time and is as applicable today as it was at the time God set that “law” or “rule” in place, in the very beginning.
What God has spoken in HIS WORD concerning HIS “laws” or “rules” has NEVER been changed, amended, or rescinded, therefore ALL of God’s “laws” or “rules” apply today as much as they did at the time when God initiated these “laws” or “rules.” One such “law” or “rule” concerns our living in FEAR. God’s most frequently repeated command or instruction is God telling us, over and over again throughout the scriptures, “…Fear NOT!” This means …DO NOT FEAR!” And, as shown in Revelation 21:8 the first and foremost way to make sure you end up in eternal Hell, is to live in FEAR, because living in FEAR is PROOF that You are NOT living by FAITH in Your Creator, the One True Almighty God! To live in FEAR is PROOF that You are listening to the thought suggestions of the enemy, satan, and you are giving satan’s lies much more acceptance and credence than the TRUTH stated by God!
The second “law” or “rule” which guarantees our living in eternal Hell, concerns our making the conscious choice to NOT BELIEVE in God or WHAT HE has already said – our conscious choice to live in UNBELIEF. Our choice to NOT BELIEVE that God exists, our choice to NOT BELIEVE what God has clearly stated in HIS WORD – HIS “rules and regulations for safe living on Planet Earth”, and our conscious choice to ignore and refute ALL of God’s promises is clear PROOF that You have made a conscious choice to BELIEVE the LIES that the enemy, satan, has spoken to You through “thought-suggestions.” Your conscious choice to NOT BELIEVE God, HIS “rules and regulations”, and to NOT BELIEVE HIS promises, is PROOF that You have chosen to “tie” God’s hands, and clear PROOF that You do NOT want God’s help in any life situation. Now, remember that You are in the Courtroom with God and satan. Your demonstrated PROOF is exactly what satan is using to PROVE to God – the righteous Judge – that satan and his minions have “legal right” to literally mess with your life. Your choice to NOT BELIEVE God – and what HE has promised – is what satan will use against You to usher you into Hell for eternity! Take a look at the courtroom scene found in the Book of Job, where satan is accusing Job… the same thing goes on in the realm of the spirit every day against You! (see Job 1:6-12)
Did you know that the word BELIEVE occurs over and over in the Bible? In the Book of Acts alone, the word BELIEVE is stated around 40 times and in the Gospel of John the word BELIEVE appears nearly 90 times. The word or idea of “BELIEVE” is not just speculation, hope, or any intellectualization of the facts of Your situation. The Greek word used to convey BELIEVE (pisteuo) actually means “to be convinced of something” or “give credence to.” We must choose to accept and be convinced that what God says in HIS Word, HE will actually do. For us to make the conscious choice to accept and be convinced that God will do what HE says HE will do, we must make the conscious choice to “TRUST” HIM.
We will continue exploring just how SIN equals UNBELIEF, and explore making the conscious choice to TRUST God and what HE has promised following Blog Posts. For now, from the information presented above, You have a lot to consider and think about. You are encouraged to start your own investigation by reading the listed scriptures and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the hidden meanings found in these scriptures. You are also encouraged to get a notebook and write out these scriptures and what you hear God telling you in your spirit, so that you can refer back to your notes, as we move on.
One of the first requirements for walking in God’s daily miracles is to walk, or live your life, without Fear and Unbelief. You are encouraged to recognize when you are giving place to Fear and/or Unbelief, and stop them in their tracks. Exercising the Authority and Power you already possess, as a spirit-filled Believer, over Fear and Unbelief are topics which will be discussed in later Posts. For now, when you recognized that Fear and Unbelief are tormenting you, take the advice found in James 4:7 – submit yourself to God…call out to HIM…then resist the devil and he WILL flee from you! Notice the word “flee”… the word “flee” denotes that you already possess Power and Authority which the devil respects.
Since this is an ongoing topic, which has more to unpack, the comments are turned off. The use of “all caps” is for emphasis… not “yelling.”
A quick reference for scripture “look-up” online can be found at: